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About the Nina Mason Pulliam Ecolab


The Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab encourages exploration of science and stewardship of the environment.


The Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab is a prime destination in central Indiana for environmental science experiences, stewardship activities, and undergraduate education and research; and a recognized leader in providing standards-based, interactive, life science education experiences for Pre K-College learners at Â鶹ÊÓƵAPK, throughout Indiana, and across the United States.


  • Inquiry-based education
  • Interactive, and hands-on learning
  • Focus on exploration of environmental science, life science, and other science disciplines
  • Engaging young people to captivate their interest in science early and often
  • Community partnerships
  • Parental involvement to enhance the learning experience

How One Phrase Shapes our Past, Present, and Future

Our story starts 100 years ago with Jens Jensen: the renowned landscape architect and pioneer in the field of Restoration Ecology. In the 1900s, using European plants cut into shapes and patterns was the norm. His work in promoting “The American Landscape” by using native plants helped raise awareness of the importance and beauty of native habitats. His work, alongside famous ecologists of the era, formed several of the principles that restoration ecologists use today. Thanks to Jensen’s diligent work and memory, we stand today as one of the oldest known restoration projects in the world.

100 years later, the EcoLab carries on his legacy through our restoration efforts. With his blueprints in one hand and a shovel in the other, we work tirelessly to bring about his dream for our little natural gem in an urban city. Jensen taught many landscapers his philosophies that helped sow the seeds of this major science field. We teach others his methods that we’ve perfected through hands-on work and experiences in nature. Like Jensen, we want to build a community of people that feel a connection to our native habitat.

Our future lies in your hands. Just like any ecosystem, we cannot completely control the future. However, we can take small daily acts of love and care to help it grow into the beautiful and functional landscapes we long to see. We pass our knowledge on to you, our students, colleagues, and community, in hopes that you are inspired to care for whatever plot of land you may have. Just like Jens Jensen restored a native habitat at the EcoLab 100 years ago that lives on today, we can also impact future generations through our good work. Nature comes and goes with time and season, but the memories it imparts stays true forever. Let’s make these memories possible for all generations.

"Our native landscape is our home, the little world we live in, where we are born and where we play, where we grow up and finally where are … laid to eternal rest. It speaks of the distant past and carries our life into the tomorrow. To keep this pure and unaltered is a sacred heritage, and noble task of the highest cultural value."

Jens Jensen, designer of the historic portion of the EcoLab, to Camillo Schneider, April 15th, 1939

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Contact Us

3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000


© 2021 Â鶹ÊÓƵAPK
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Â鶹ÊÓƵAPK does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students.
*Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation.

to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education.

Â鶹ÊÓƵAPK is sponsored by the , Oldenburg, Indiana.

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